병리학교실Department of Pathology
전 화 번 호 | 063.270.3071 | 위 치 | 의과대학 |
In this course, students learn the basic concept of disease, including its causes (etymology), the mechanism of its development (pathogenesis), the structural alterations it induces in the cells and organs of the body (morphologic changes), and the functional consequences of these morphologic changes (clinical significance). The course is provided during the second semester of first year and first semester of the second year. The course consists of 192 hours (96 hours of lecture and 96 hours of laboratory exercises) and yields 7.5 credits.During the second semester of the fifth year and first semester of sixth year, students attend CPC (clinic-pathologic conference) weekly. This course is taught by the staff of the department of pathology and clinical staff. 16 hours and 1 credit are allocated for the course.