해부학교실Department of Anatomy
전 화 번 호 | 063.270.3097 | 위 치 | 의과대학 |
First-year medical students receive extensive training in the basic elements of normal human structures.
Gross Anatomy
The course is designed to inform the medical students of the structures of the human body, the interrelation of the body's parts, and appropriate clinical references. The course is largely based on laboratory exercise (dissection) and covers structures of head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, perineum, and extremities.
This broad-based course covers the light and electron microscopic structures of cells, tissues, and organs in relation to their functions. An understanding of these cell and tissue structures is complementary to the study of biochemistry and physiology. A working knowledge of normal light microscopic morphology serves as a background for the later study of pathology.Lectures cover the ultrastructure and biochemistry of cells and extracellular materials, with detailed descriptions of their specializations in tissues such as muscle, epithelium, nervous tissue, and connective tissue. The lecture correlates descriptions of the structure of various organs with their physiological functions. Laboratories give the student an opportunity to study light microscopic structure of normal cells, tissues, and organs and to review in small groups the concepts in the lectures.
Students study the fundamentals of gross and microscopic structures and functions of the nervous system, with emphasis on the clinical relationships of the central nervous system. Laboratory work includes dissection of the human brain and spinal cord.
Embryology is taught to second-year premedical students. This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge of gametogenesis, fertilization, embryonic development, development of organs, and possible malformations.