진단검사의학교실Department of Clincal Pathology
전 화 번 호 | 063.250.1203 | 위 치 | 의과대학 |
Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine
In this course, lectures and laboratory work are used to teach methods for confirming or rejecting a diagnosis, and the guidelines for patient management and follow-up study. Medical students take the course during the first semester of the third year. The laboratory medicine component is subdivided to five sections, namely Clinical Hematology, Clinical Microbiology, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Immunoserology and Transfusion medicine. The first semester emphasizes the fundamentals of laboratory medicine for each sections and how to use the laboratory data (results) for clinical diagnosis and follow-up most effectively. Emphasis is placed on the principles, interpretations and pitfalls in the laboratory methods as well. The course consists of 69 hours (24 hours of lecture and 45 hours of laboratory exercises) and yields 2 credits.